Please e-mail with your name, date of your wedding and your reception venue and we will contact you to arrange a face to face consultation to discuss ideas. Of course, I am more than happy to discuss your wedding cake over the phone (01733-210383 or 07713 250684) or by e-mail but a consultation is recommended – not least because a cake tasting is included.

When do we need to place an order?
I spend a lot of time giving each cake my full attention to ensure it looks and tastes fabulous. So, because I focus on quality rather than quantity I only take a limited number of bookings each month and I can get booked up extremely quickly.
So, I would recommend as much notice as possible –at least six to nine months although some couples will book up to eighteen months in advance – especially for weddings during the busy summer months. Depending upon schedule I may be able to take short notice bookings so please feel free to get in touch.
Can we sample any cake?
Yes of course. I want you to try my cakes so you can see for yourself how delicious they are and to help you decide which flavours you would like to include in your wedding cake. So, complimentary cake tastings for two people are available at all wedding cake consultations.
Can we have a different flavour in each tier?
Yes of course. Most couples do as it’s a lovely way to give your guests a choice.
How do I pay for a wedding cake?
A £100 non-refundable deposit will secure your booking. I accept BACS transfer, cash or cheque (made payable to Linda Glitherow). The balancing amount is due six weeks before your wedding.
Can we hire a cake stand?
Yes of course. Cake stand hire is available with any wedding cake order. I’m sorry but I do not hire cake stands independently. I request a refundable deposit (£50 or £100 depending upon the stand) the week before your wedding. The deposit is returned to you upon safe receipt of the cake stand within five days of your wedding. If you are going on honeymoon you will need to make arrangements for a family member or friend to return the stand to me as I’m afraid I don’t collect from the venue.
What happens on our wedding day?
I will personally deliver and set up your wedding cake on your wedding day at your reception venue to ensure that it is perfect for you.
Can I collect my cake?
Yes, you can collect if you prefer but wedding cakes can be extremely heavy and I cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur to the cake once it has left my premises so delivery is highly recommended.
Do you cater for special dietary requirements?
I am able to offer a range of options to cater for various food intolerances / preferences but please be aware that all of our cakes are produced in an environment where gluten, nuts, milk and eggs are present. Therefore you must let us know at the time of ordering if you are intolerant to any of these ingredients
I currently have various options available for gluten free cakes and cupcakes, dairy free cakes and cupcakes, gluten and dairy free cakes and cupcakes and vegan cakes and cupcakes.
If you have a specific food intolerance or allergy please make me aware at the earliest opportunity and I will do my best to help.
Can we make alterations to our cake design?
Yes of course but all alterations must be finalised six weeks before your wedding. Please be aware that any design alterations may affect the overall cost of your cake.
We have seen a picture of a cake that we like. Will you copy it?
Unfortunately not. If you wish to send me an image of a particular cake along with the date of your wedding, your reception venue and approximately how many guests you would like your cake to serve I can give you an estimated price range – based on the complexity of design detail in the image – but please be aware that I will not copy another designer’s work. However, I am more than happy to look at various different designs that you like and to take elements from them to create a unique design for you.
We have a relative that would like to bake our cake for us. Would you be able to ice and decorate it?
Unfortunately, due to the strict rules on food allergens I am unable to ice and decorate cakes that I have not baked myself.